I would be interested in having a conversation about using blogs to enhance student engagement with course material. How do you use blogs? For research? For reflection? What has/has not worked for you (or: what would you like to do with a blog?)? What skills can blogs help students develop? Is the class blog an intermediate step in some larger project or is it the final product? What is its relationship to other assignments? If there is interest, we can extend the discussion to the use of other social media in the classroom, e.g., Twitter.
I am interested. I have used blogs, and would like to enhance my use of them and compare/discuss what works and what does not, esp. for teaching.
Sounds interesting. Also, if you haven’t already seen this essay by Mark Sample (also at THATCamp), be sure to check it out. Mark Sample, “A Better Blogging Assignment,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, ProfHacker, July 3, 2012, chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/a-better-blogging-assignment/41127.
Perhaps folks who are interested in this session might consider submitting an essay idea or commenting on our open-access book-in-progress, Web Writing: Why & How for Liberal Arts Teaching & Learning, sponsored by Trinity College, CT (CFP through June 15th, with subvention awards). WebWriting.trincoll.edu